Jupiter NEXT’s 2nd Annual Holiday Movie Sleepover!

December 16, 2020

Jupiter NEXT in Portland, OR is hosting their 2nd Annual Holiday Movie Sleepover

December 23-27th will be Holiday Movie Sleepover weekend at Jupiter NEXT. Jupiter NEXT is providing the full watch-from-home experience with movies from Movie Madness Video, DVD players, and quintessential concessions snacks and drinks. And yes, guests get the room for the entire night!

New this year to Holiday Movie Sleepover weekend is a Seinfeld throwback tribute to the infamous Festivus episode from Hey Love. The tropical-infused restaurant in the Jupiter NEXT lobby brings fan favorites like Hey Love Chicken Chow Mein in perfectly curated Chinese takeout boxes for the epic grievance-airing fictional holiday. Get dinner and movies on December 23 only by adding on a Hey Love dinner for two, plus all the movie night perks, for only $150.